blog – February 01, 2023

The Plantagenets: Rise Of The Angevins

Dream 10X Blog Apparently, my genome reveals a distant connection to the people of Scotland, Ireland, England, and Normandy. The Normans are particularly interesting to me because of the Battle of Hastings in 1066, in which William I, (aka 'William the Conqueror'), invaded England. The success of William I in conquering England was dramatically important in shaping world history, making the Normans largely responsible for these changes. However, it was the French who truly changed the world in the wake of this conflict, thanks to Angevin Geoffrey Plantagenet. Read More ›

blog – January 21, 2023

Invest In Your Brain

Dream 10X Blog Can you solve the Rubik's Cube? If so, did you figure it out by yourself or did you learn from someone else? I spent the past few weeks learning to solve the Rubik's Cube, learning from a coach, while also conducting a bit of introspection on how my brain (and body) were going about learning the task. In this episode, we talk more about 'deep learning,' and how to get into its flow, with the Rubik's Cube puzzle as background context. Read More ›

blog – December 07, 2022

Evolving Captain America

Dream 10X Blog I wasn't really into comic books as a kid. The only comic book I ever remember reading was one about Tom Laundry and the Dallas Cowboys, and that was even before I moved to Texas in the 6th grade. Cindy (Dr. Caple), on the other hand, is a total comic book nerd. In fact, she still reads them. I get all of my comic book mythology knowledge and updates from her. She is also the one who introduced me to the book series written by Dr. E. Paul Zehr, where he analyzes the status quo and future of science and technology relative to its ability to create the likes of certain comic book characters, like Batman, Iron Man and Captain America. In this issue of Dream 10X, we take a look at Dr. Zehr's book, 'Chasing Captain America'. In this post, we discuss our top six technology takeaways from Dr. Zehr's book on how to create a Captain America-esque superhuman for real, using contemporary technologies. Read More ›

blog – November 09, 2022

The Cauldron Of Competition

Dream 10X Blog Maintaining some semblance of personal physical fitness is a goal most of us shoot for, either out of a simple desire to look and feel better about ourselves, or because our longevity literally depends on losing weight and/or improving our cardiovascular fitness. All humans must tend to their physical fitness, or pay the price in not doing so. Going to the gym or going for a walk or a run can all lead to improvements in overall health and mental well being. We posit that engaging in competitive sports as an adult leads to 10x the benefits derived from regular exercise. Read More ›

blog – October 01, 2022

Rowing From Lima, Peru to Alexandria, Virginia

Dream 10X Blog In this our 52nd episode, we talk to entrepreneur and rowing coach, Jaime Rubini, who has had a tremendous impact on many high school and adult aged rowers in Alexandria, Virginia. Jaime's positive impact on his community has not stopped at his rowing coaching career, however. He is also the proprietor of family owned and operated, 'Rubini Jewelers', in Old Town, Alexandria, where many people, including Cindy and I, have received warm, friendly service buying wedding rings (thanks, Joanna!) and other types of jewelry (including rowing jewelry, of course!). But before making such a positive impact on his community in Alexandria, Virginia, Jaime disembarked on an Olympic Rowing journey from Lima, Peru to Philadelphia, PA. Learning about the rowing and entrepreneurial journey of our friend and coach, Jaime Rubini, is a fitting crescendo to our 52nd Dream 10X podcast! Read More ›