blog – March 16, 2021

Personal Voyages Into Leadership

Dream 10X Blog 'The animals of complacency and lethargy may be devouring me. I must therefore demonstrate that 'Rhino Spirit' and keep charging!' This was kind of my vision statement (or motivational phrase) for a while. I built this leadership statement by paraphrasing some concepts presented by a motivational speaker I once heard in college. In this podcast episode, Dr. Caple provides a tiny (albeit somewhat sleepy) coaching session on how to create a Personal Leadership Statement that will help you change the world. Read More ›

blog – March 02, 2021

Cradle To Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things

Dream 10X Blog If you think the World has no hope due to over-population and environmental destruction, take some hope in meditating upon the ants. Harvard Profesor E.O. Wilson, and German biologist Bert Hoelldobler, in their 1994 book 'Journey To The Ants', calculate that there is as much (if not more) biomass in ants as there is in humans on planet earth. That means, if you put all the ants in a pile next to all the humans, the ants would weigh more! Read More ›

blog – February 16, 2021

An Interview With Author David Moore Robinson

Dream 10X Blog It has always seemed rather obvious to me that physical activity is really important in maintaining physical health. It has not always been so obvious to me the relationship between diet and health. In fact, the first half of my life I was pretty much on a see-food diet - whatever I saw, I ate. It took a pretty significant catalyst in my life to make me start thinking more critically about the things I ate. David Robinson's book, 'My Unremarkable Brain,' helps to further exemplify the importance of diet as not only sustenance, but also medecine. Read More ›

blog – February 16, 2021

'Let My People Go Surfing,' by Yvon Chouinard

Dream 10X Blog Yes America, apparently it is possible to find a job that lets you surf at lunch time. Look no further than Patagonia, the eco-conscious, family-oriented business culture started by Yvon Chouinard in Burbank, California in the early 1970's. This book ('Let My People Go Surfing') about the company's early beginings, how it survived an almost devastatingly tough period in 1991 yet came out a sustainably growing, stable company on the other side, provides some great philosophies all companies should consider weaving into the fabric of their own corporate culture. Read More ›

blog – February 09, 2021

A Mooving Podcast About Sustainable Farming

Dream 10X Blog Last week we spent some time at Ovoka Farm in Paris, Virginia, learning a few things about what it takes to run a working livestock farm. And come to find out, it ain't easy. However, Cindy had an amazing time learning about raising livestock from her sister, Karen (a former high-powered attorney from Chicago), and came away energized by the whole experience with a desire to 10X her life raising livestock and working the land in a sustainable way. Read More ›